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Chakras and Iridology

Throughout my time as an Iridologist and Cellular Regenerative Detoxification Specialist, one truth has remained a North Star in my approach; all physical well being has a non-physical component. After my numerous experiences and study, the non-physical modalities were almost as effective as herbs and diet.

I define non-physical as that which human sight doesn't register. Like the famed Evangelist Billy Graham once said,"I've never seen the wind. I see the effects of the wind, but l've never seen the wind."

Many years ago I had the opportunity to be mentored and certified by world renowned Pranic healer, Master Co, in Carlsbad, Ca. If you're not familiar with Panic healing: all living things are surrounded and permeated by vital energy that the ancients in different traditions called "life force". Prana is the Sanskrit word for that life force that sustains us physically, emotionally and mentally. Pranic healing helps cleanse, stabilize, and energize all the major chakras, or energy centers, and various minor ones when needed.

In all my years of study and facilitating Iridology l've desired to expand upon Dr. Bernard Jensen's iris chart particularly in mapping out the chakra system. In 1948, he created the most referenced and accurate iris chart of all time. However, knowledge of energy centers was very limited in Western culture. He stated then that "The day may come when we will discover thousands of intercommunicating lines connecting up many more plexuses in the body than we see today." The only one he mapped out was the Solar Plexus.*

There has been great advancement in scientific validity of such energy centers and their vital contribution to wellbeing. I've personally witnessed immediate benefits in both acute and chronic conditions with just the use of Pranic therapy. I combined the knowledge of the chakras and Tree of Life provided by Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of Modern Pranic Healing, and my years as an Iridologist to create a supplemental graphic aligning the iris to the chakras. In this chart you'll notice 11 chakras and their Kabbalistic names. In Pranic healing, at least 11 chakras have been revealed. The actual correspondence of the chakras in relation to the sephiroth has been a guarded secret, you'll find this secret revealed and thoroughly explained in the book referenced on the last page.

Why did I create this?

There are many roads to vitality. Not all individuals desire to take the path of medication, herbs, change of diet, etc. I want to meet as many people where they are. My only caveat here is if you are staring in the face a severe chronic diagnosis, I would suggest working with a specialist on both energetic and herb/diet approach for expedited results. If this is you or someone you know, feel free to contact me directly so I may assist in assembling the most effective suggestions.

Many in the community of natural wellness understand the body's ability to heal itself and we only need to provide the best environment and properties possible to facilitate that. For those who wish to leverage Pranic (Reiki is included in this group) you can now take your iris analysis to a new level using this graphic.


If you're in need of a practitioner; feel free to reach out and I can assist in connecting you with one as I do not personally facilitate these any longer.


Please note: Pranic isn't a guarantee, just like no other modality is. Pranic can be facilitated from a distance. I always inspire individuals to do their own research and determine what modality is best for you.

May this information be useful on your journey to vitality. Stay Happy and Healthy!

Gratefully, Elle Scott

*Dr. Jensen's studies mention the rectal plexus but is not pointed out in the chart. This would correspond to the Base Chakra.

Who is this chart for?


If you aren't familiar with Chakras, I highly suggest taking some time to research via Google, YouTube, Gaia, books, etc. Other great resources are provided below.

YouTube and Apple Music and other platforms have Chakra specific music and sound baths that you can meditate to. The key here is to focus love and light to that area. Envision it cleansing and mending. Intention is extremely important when directing energy.


You may also take your iris analysis along with this chart to a Pranic or Reiki therapist.

For practitioners of Pranic and Reiki, this is a fantastic resource to leverage especially for distance healing.

How to use this chart

The Right and Left eye charts are mirrored except for the specific organs and glands that reside on either side. Look at your iris analysis or explore your iris with a pin light in the mirror, find any areas that could use attention, match to the chart, identify the chakra, and focus energy clearing and energizing there.


Reference the picture to the right for what to look for.


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