What is Iridology?
Think of a computer or a cell phone 💻📱 there's a hard drive, software, applications, and so on. How would you gain insight into, let alone access, that information unless you had visibility into it? The eyes are like screens to the body, revealing not only current issues but a lifetime's worth of data as well. It's simple, extremely effective, and very accurate.
Iridology is one of nature's greatest, and at present, only soft tissue analysis. It's also known as a Neuro Optic Analysis. It involves analyzing the iris of the eye (usually by taking a close up picture) to determine health conditions and potential health issues. The iris contains information about a person's overall health and indicates severity of the issues and what systems need to be addressed for overall wellness.
What can eye readings can reveal?
Reveals the location of obtained toxic accumulations.
Reveals the condition of the nervous system.
Reveals response to treatment; how well the body is healing itself and at what rate.
Reveals the acid level in the body.
Where are the blockages?
Reveals genetic weaknesses.
Reveals the whole body as a unified structure.
Reveals the state of the lymphatic system (responsible for 75% of your physical health)
What Iridology doesn't do:
Iridology does not name diseases. Often we see situations and conditions developing long before there are symptoms to which disease names are attached. Instead, we see tissue strengths and weaknesses with which we work to bring about a higher quality of health,
It does not reveal operations performed under anesthesia. Nerve impulses are short circuited under these conditions.
It does not reveal pregnancy, because such a condition is normal for the female body.
It does not reveal the presence of gallstones,
Iridology is not a psychic analysis.
Iridology cannot tell you what accident has occurred but can see damaged tissue.
Iridology cannot tell specific pathology in the body, As individuals vary greatly in their ability to endure stress, what appears to be a pathology in one may not be a bother to another.
Iridology cannot pinpoint the location of parasites or bacterial invasions that may exist in any part of the body. It does show, however, the condition of the tissue and the development of a host situation that may allow for these things to manifest.
And to make it an even more interactive experience, you can take your own eye pics! So no matter where you are in the world, I can read your eyes.
History of Iridology
Iridology has been practiced since history has been recorded. According to archaeological data from 3000 years ago in Egypt, China, and India there was much attention devoted to the study of the iris and its relation to organs of the body. Silver plates with detailed iris pictures were discovered in Tutankhamon’s tomb (1400-1392 B.C). In traditional Tibetan medicine, the condition of the eyes was carefully noted by doctors who related markings to liver functioning and blood disorders. It wasn’t until the nineteenth century that the practice started to be investigated in Europe.
In 1867 Ignatz Von Peczely, a Hungarian doctor, qualified in medicine at the Vienna Medical College. His work as a doctor allowed him to study the iris of patients before and after surgery and he systematically recorded his findings, publishing his research in a book entitled ‘Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and the Art of Healing’.
He established one of the earliest iris charts linking regions of the iris to organs in the body. Dr Henry Lane and his student Dr Henry Lindlahr carried out thousands of surgical and autopsy correlation with iris markings before publishing ‘Iridology – The Diagnosis from The Eye’ in 1904.
Dr Bernard Jensen is renowned for his work on developing one of the most widely used iris charts. His passion for natural healing was driven by his own recovery from a medically ‘incurable’ condition at the age of 18, which he then proceeded to resolve using naturopathic treatments. Dr Jensen operated several health sanatoriums in California, receiving many honours and awards over the years including 1982 National Health Federation’s Pioneer Doctor of the Year award. He earned his Ph.D. at the age of 76 climaxing a lifetime of study, work and teaching in the healing arts. He lectured in 55 countries around the world and authored over 40 books on the subjects of natural health care and iridology.