oils 101

With things like cancer, infertility, and other health challenges on the rise, there is no time like the present to kick all those nasty harmful chemicals in your everyday products to the curb.
It is time to give your body what it deserves: clean products that support rather than hurt your body.
Join me on your couch to learn the truths about health and how easy it is to save money AND take care of your body at the same time!
Invite your friends or bestie to join our FREE and fun community!

health care
sick care
With healthcare clinics on every corner and almost 6,000 registered hospitals in the US, we are armed and ready to be sick. But what if we as a society made a shift, and were better at health care than we are at sick care?
I am here to tell you the shift is happening and you have the opportunity to be a part of it. We are already seeing those around us spending their money on travel, life experiences, and overall health and wellness.
Are you ready to put your health first so you can have more days with your loved ones, your babies, your grand-babies? Are you ready to hear how simple it is?

toxin free

I know that some healthy lifestyle choices are hard. Do you struggle to order the salad over the burger? Been there! But guess what?! Using a toxin-free cleaner instead of the chemical-filled cleaner. or grabbing the toxin-free shampoo instead of a chemical-filled one can make such a difference in your health.
Products like detergents you find in the store have some scary ingredients in them: harmful chemicals like Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a foaming agent that has been linked to irritation of the skin and eyes, organ toxicity, developmental/reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, and biochemical or cellular changes, possible mutations, and cancer. These chemicals from detergents get stuck in our clothes, rubbing against our skin all day long, absorbing into our bodies and causing problems.
Do you feel like you don't have time to research every chemical listed on the back of your laundry detergent, toothpaste, or home cleaner?
Young Living is here to make healthy decisions so much easier. With ingredients that are not harmful and actually support a healthy body, their products are safe and effective. From skin care and makeup to a kid and baby line, pet products, supplements, food, and so much more, YL makes it easy to support everyone's health from baby to grandpa, including your furry friends.

Young Living has a seed to seal guarantee and promise. They abide by very strict guidelines to fulfill their promise to send pure products to your home.
Their farms and partner farms abide by strict standards.
They select the strongest seeds from strong thriving plants.
They hand-weed and use their own oils on plants for pest control to avoid the use of toxic chemicals.
They harvest at peak times to ensure quality oils.
They distill on site without chemicals.
They test every batch. If it doesn’t meet their standards because of weather conditions or for any other reason, they do not bottle it up.
All of these factors make a huge difference in quality and effectiveness.
Check out more about their Seed to Seal promise at www.seedtoseal.com

how to use

Please dilute your oils.
Do not put them in your eyes or ears.
Follow directions on labels.
*Once you get your own starter kit, your sponsor or I will connect with you and go over safety tips and suggestions in more detail!
The solid labels have aromatic and topical directions on them.
1. Topically - Apply on your skin. Dilute with a carrier oil like coconut oil or grapeseed oil. They are quickly absorbed and effective.
2. Aromatically - Use in the diffuser or by inhaling from diffuser jewelry or just put some on your hands.
3. Internally -Young Living oils are safe to ingest. The labels that are white are from their vitality line and have dietary instructions on them.
* NOTE: Oils in the regular bottles are the same as the vitality bottles. For Example: Peppermint oil from the regular line and Peppermint oil from the vitality line have different labels (per FDA rules) but are the SAME OIL.
everyday essentials

how to use

Thank you so much for checking out the above self guided class. When you are ready to get your very own Premium Starter Kit so you can turn your home into a SPA and so you and your family can benefit from all the amazing oils, click the "Check out the Starter Kits" button below.
getting started
Scared you might have to sign your life away? Don't worry, you're not. When you get started with a Premium Starter Kit (everything you see in this picture + a few extra things), you automatically get a membership with membership pricing, 24% off everything and access to discounted Loyalty bundles.
You will have access to a private Skool community where we offer support and encouragement and a place for you to ask questions.
Most importantly, you are supported! We are dedicated to helping you with your health goals.
With a membership, you have the opportunity to help your friend, or two, or three, get a starter kit, and while you're at it, you'll get your oils paid for. It's as easy as passing your member number along. We'll help you when the time comes.