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Grapes for the win!🍇

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

One of the strongest fruits and most detoxifying foods on this planet is grapes🍇

Going on a grape “fast” or “diet” is considered one of the highest choices and deepest levels of cleansing outside of water/dry fasting. 💪🏽

It’s hands down worth it!💥 but doesn’t come without its challenges which is why I encourage working with a guide like myself so you can have the proper prep and support through this deep journey.

Another great resource is the Grape Diet book found here. Written by Johanna Brandt, who was a South African spy during the Boer War who later looked to naturopathy. She documented her experience with stomach cancer and how the grape diet eradicated her stomach dis-ease. This book is one of the oldest most well-known tools for venturing into this level. Highly recommend!

Hundreds of thousands of people have experienced the immense benefits of this method. Googling it will open up a world of feedback and success stories. Want to be one of those people? Let's connect!

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